Weight Loss Five Moves To Improve Your Posture That Can Also Help You Burn Calories

Weight Loss Five Moves To Improve Your Posture That Can Also Help You Burn Calories

Weight Loss: Sitting in the same position in front of the laptop all day can cause many changes in your body. Rounded shoulders, sunken chest and stooped neck, all these are the visible symptoms of sitting in the wrong way or sitting in the same position continuously, which are clearly visible when standing in front of the mirror. Poor sitting habits not only affect your body but can also make you more vulnerable to back pain, fractures and muscle fatigue. A good posture is important for maintaining balance throughout the body and the easiest way to improve it is by exercising and what better than if your workout routine helps you lose weight. You can get two advantages in less time. Today in this article, we will tell you 5 exercises which can help in improving your posture and can also burn a lot of calories.

Resistance band pull apart
step 1: Stand on the ground with your feet hip-width apart and grasp the ends of the resistance band with both hands.

Step 2: Extend your arms in front of you with your palms touching each other.

Step 3: Now stretch your hand out, stretch the resistance band as much as you can.

Step 4: You will feel tension in your chest and back.

Step 5: Now you stop, bring your hands back to normal position.

Wall Sit Exercise (Wall Squat)

step 1: Stand on the ground with your feet hip-width apart and your head, back and hips touching the wall.

Step 2: Slide your body down the wall until you are in a squat position. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the shin.

Step 3: Now pause, push through your heels to return to the starting position.

Side plank with leg lift

step 1: Lie on your left side balancing your body weight on your forearm and leg.

Step 2: Raise your hips in the air to form a straight line from shoulders to feet.

Step 3: Keeping your torso still, lift your right leg without bending your knee.

Step 4: Raise your left leg up, pause and then bring it back to the starting point. Try not to let your hips drop down.

Marjaryasana / Bitilasana (Marjaryasana / Bitilasana)

step 1: Get on all fours with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Your toes should be pressed inwards.

Step 2: Breathe out and relax to bring your belly down towards the floor. Slowly arch your back towards the ground, bend your tailbone and try to look upwards.

Step 3: In this position, stop for 2-3 seconds.

Step 4: Relax, exhale and arch your spine towards the ceiling and tuck your chin to your chest. Repeat this 20-25 times daily in the morning.

Plank to downward dog
step 1: Come into the plank position by extending your legs completely and keeping the toes inward.

Step 2: Your forearms should rest on your ground. Your body should be in a straight line from head to toes.

Step 3: Inhale and slowly lift your hips upwards, extending your arms fully. Your body should be in an inverted V shape.

Step 4: Press your hand on the ground and straighten your neck. Your ears should touch your hands, fix your gaze on your navel and inhale.

Step 5: Hold for a few seconds, bend your knees and come back to the table position.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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